Many varieties of flowering plants surprisingly colorful and beautiful are produced in the area of Albenga. Flowering plants are very popular in all homes, they bring happiness and colour in our living-rooms and in our gardens. Some of them are seasonal and their life cycle ends within a year. Others become more and more beautiful year after yea...
Many varieties of flowering plants surprisingly colorful and beautiful are produced in the area of Albenga. Flowering plants are very popular in all homes, they bring happiness and colour in our living-rooms and in our gardens. Some of them are seasonal and their life cycle ends within a year. Others become more and more beautiful year after year. Different factors have influence on flower production and the most important is the light. Therefore the sunny position of Albenga on the Ligurian Riviera is ideal for flowering plants.
Chrysanthemum Korean pot 16-19-21, bowl 30-35-40-50, bicolour bowl 30-35, balcony pot 25-40-45-50, bicolour balcony pot 40, column pot 40, column 3 levels, Chrysanthemum disbudded pot 21, bicolour, tricolour pot 21, bowl 30-35-40-45-50, mix, Chrysanthemum Grandiflorum pot 16 Chrysanthemum not disbudded pot 19 Chrysanthemum Globus pot 21 terra cotta